(Click Edit then) Copy template text below, then return to [[homelab_assets]] page and add a row to the table, following the format of the existing rows. Click the newly added asset tag to open the (new/blank) page for the new machine, then paste the copied text. ===== Replace_With_Asset_Tag ===== {{ :computer-icon.png?nolink&300|}} * **[[polynesian_gods_goddesses|Admin user]]:** admin * **Password:** %%~p455W0rd~%% * **IP Address:** * **SSH Port:** 29876 * **MAC Address:** a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6 | **[[south_pacific_islands|Machine Name]]:**| machine_name | | **Machine Role:**| machine_role| | **OS/Version:**| os_version | | **Make:**|Manufacturer| | **Model:**|[[https_link_to_model_page_on_manufacturer_website | Model]] | | **CPU:**|[[https_link_to_cpu_page | CPU ]] @ ## GHz| | **CPUMark:**|[[https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_lookup.php?cpu=rest_of_url|actual_CPUmark]]| | **RAM:**|number_of_slots x GB_per_slot GB DIMM_type_revision DIMM_speed| | **NIC (Ethernet):**|Intel_or_Realtek_etc Model_or_just_Gigabit| | **[[Port number on switch + Ethernet cable color+markers|Port/Cable]]**|( # ) cable_color w/marker_color| | **NIC (WiFi):**|Manufacturer Model 802_11_what| | **[[Year of Manufacture|YoM:]]**|year| | **Notes:**|notes|