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start [2025/01/06 07:57] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation donniestart [2025/02/04 13:40] (current) – [Table of Contents] donnie
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 ===== Table of Contents ===== ===== Table of Contents =====
-  * HomeLab - [[homelab|what it is ]] (and why I have one) +  * [[HomeLab]] - What it is, why I have one, and why you probably should, too 
-  * [[Services]] +  * [[Services]] - The benefits I get from self-hosting 
-  * [[Roadmap]] +  * [[Roadmap]] - Stuff I’m planning to/thinking about self-hosting 
-  * [[Reference]]+  * [[Reference]] - A place for all the stuff that my poor old brain can’t remember!
- +//This wiki runs on [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki|Dokuwiki]] and is hosted on a [[https://racknerd.com|Racknerd]] [[VPS]].//
- +
-//This wiki uses [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki|Dokuwiki]] and is hosted on a [[https://racknerd.com|Racknerd]] VPS.//+